Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Resistance to the passage of sound

Approved Document E provides guidance on requirements for the protection of users of a building against sound from other buildings or sound from rooms and spaces within a building.  In terms of protection of sound the requirements refer to either airborne sound reduction, impact sound reduction and the control of reverberation by absorbtion.  Different requirements apply to different buildings and spaces within buildings. You will always need to refer to Approved Document B which can be accessed using the attached link.

You can also use the quick guide provided by the link below

Fire Risk Assessment

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FS0) applies to all non domestic premises in England and Wales including the common parts of blocks of flats and houses in multiple occupations (HMO)

If you are:-

• Responsible for building premises

• An employer or self employed with business premises

• Responsible for the common parts of a block of flats or HMO

• Responsible for a part of a dwelling used solely for business

• A charity

• A contractor with control over premises

• Providing accommodation for paying guests

Then you must carry out a fire risk assessment and implement a fire management plan.  Oculus have specialist RICS Chartered Building Surveyors who can carry out the fire risk assessment for you.  The assessment will enable you to prepare the fire management plan.

Changes to SBEM - Software tools for Part L 2010

As you are probably aware the revision of Part L of the Building Regulations takes effect from 1 October 2010.  The Approved Documents and Building Services Compliance Guides have been published and copies of the documents can be found at http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/
The National Calculation Methodology has been changed too and the site enables access to SBEM v4.1.a, the associated ‘Technical Manual’ and the 'Modelling Guide' 2010 which applies to buildings other than dwellings.

Version 4.1.a includes implementations for compliance with building Bye-Laws for the States of Jersey and Section 6 for Scottish 2010 Building Regulations.  The Department for Communities and Local government may need to modify the software as soon as errors are detected.  The web site should keep you up to date on this and other related matters.

What is SBEM?

SBEM is a software tool that provides an analysis of the energy consumption of buildings other than dwellings.  It calculates monthly energy use and carbon dioxide emissions, given a description of the building which is entered through its interface iSBEM.  It is used to demonstrate compliance with Part L2A of the Building Regulations and enables the production OF Energy Performance Certificates on construction, sale or rent.  The new software which boasts additional functionality can be found using the following link http://www.2010ncm.bre.co.uk/newsdetails.jsp?id=10

SAP for dwellings

The calculation method for dwellings under Part L 2010 is a new version of SAP - the Standard Assessment Procedure for the Energy Rating of Dwellings.  This is specified in documents available at http://www.bre.co.uk/sap2009/ and will be implemented through the provision of commercially available software.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Isn’t it about time Part D was subsumed into Part C

The requirements relating to toxic substances and cavity insulation are contained within Approved document D.

The requirements states that if insulating material is inserted into a cavity wall reasonable precautions shall be taken to prevent the subsequent permeation of any toxic fumes from that material into any part of the building occupied by people. The guidance is primarily concerned with the problems associated with the injection of urea-formaldehyde (UF) foam into existing cavity wall construction. The requirement has been formally around since 1985 and was introduced to reduce the risk toxic fumes affecting the occupants of the building. The main method of reducing the risk is to provide physical barriers. Installation should be carried out in accordance with BS 5618:1985 and BS 8208-1:1985.

This small and to some extent out of place Approved document would be better subsumed into Part C which is a better thumbed and more relevant document that includes guidance on the construction of cavity walls.

External loadbearing wall design and Part L

When considering the design of external walls to non-framed buildings there are generally four types to consider. These are solid, cavity, layered and clad. There are hybrids of course but the basics design constraints remain the same. In all forms of construction the wall needs to satisfy some basic functional requirements. These include the ability to resist moisture penetration, conserve energy, resist condensation, remain structurally stable and durable, non toxic, fire resistant, sound resistant, sustainable and secure. There are a string of other matters that need to be considered but the changing requirements of the building regulations over the last few years is bringing about a change in the generally accepted solutions.

The use of solid walls has always been a design solution. The design satisfies many of the basic functional requirements including resistance to the penetration of moisture. However, solid walls often rely on robust materials for durability and as a consequence are poor insulators. The problem of cold bridging and damp proofing at openings has always been a problem.

The use of a clad walling system by the use of an applied finish such as rendering or a fixed finish such as tiling or rain screen can overcome the problems associated with damp penetration as the external finish effectively provides a barrier to water penetration. This enables greater choice in the design of the wall in terms or structural stability and thermal insulation. It also enables the external finish to be maintained and/or replaced. It often requires good detailing especially where the main structural support is timber frame. This form of construction is one solution that provides various solutions to Part L. The use of materials susceptible to decay such as timber needs to be carefully designed to avoid problems with interstitial condensation. Externally insulated systems tend to remove many on the problems especially where it is used in conjunction with such materials as aerated concrete blockwork. Externally insulated structures overcome many of the problems associated with cold bridging and are a preferred choice in the refurbishment of some existing structures suffering from decay.

Cavity walls have been the favoured solution to the design of external walls for the greater part of the 20th century. Cavity walls were introduced to overcome any risk associated with the penetration of moisture particularly at window and roof junctions. They rely on good quality design, workmanship, and quality control on site. Like clad walls they permit the use of a robust outer leaf and an inner leaf that can be structurally as well as thermally efficient. This has enabled the use of aesthetically agreeable outer leafs that match the vernacular Architecture of the area, an attribute that is sometimes difficult to achieve with clad walls. The functional demand on cavity walls has increased with the need to comply with ever stringent thermal insulation requirements. This has resulted in the use of timber frame solutions or masonry solution with partially fill cavity construction. The timber frame solution can provide very good thermal performance and this in combination with prefabrication techniques has brought additional economies in construction. It should be born in mind that there has been criticism associated with the erection of timber frame dwellings and quite recently there has been some notable outbreaks of fire at the construction stage. Modern timber frame construction incorporating a masonry outer leaf requires good detailing to overcome problems associated with the bridging of the cavity, interstitial condensation and spread of fire within the cavity. To provide a thermally efficient masonry cavity wall inevitably increases the width of the structural cavity and as consequence it has implications for structural stability, moisture penetration, quality control and costs. There are particularly demands to avoid cold bridging, air tightness and unplanned bridging of the cavity.

Layered walls as the name suggests are contiguous layers of material that satisfy the functional requirements of the wall. The use of cavity walls where the cavity is completely filled with insulating material is probably the best example. With this type of construction there is a risk that moisture will penetrate the outer layer(s) and migrate vertically to accumulate and penetrate the inner layers to the inside of the building. For this reason many layered walls incorporate the same detailing as cavity walls and incorporate damp proof courses and cavity trays etc. The insulation layer can be formed as the wall is erected or injected after the wall has been formed. Unless the outer leaf(s) can be shown to be fully water resistant the material ‘filling the cavity’ must resist the penetration of moisture. This is usually demonstrated through testing and certification. The advantage of this form of construction is that the overall thickness of the wall is reduced whilst facilitating good thermal performance. It also means that the width of the structural cavity can be reduced and thereby increasing stability. The main disadvantage is that the use of the insulation material within the cavity effectively bridges the cavity and there is a risk of moisture penetration.

The increased demand for lower U values will inevitably bring about further changes to external wall construction and the use of ‘traditional’ cavity wall construction may pass.

The new requirements of part L will have a profound effect on external wall construction. If you have any comments to make on future developments then please let us know.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Fire engineering

In most situations compliance with approved Document B, (Fire Safety) or BS 9999:2008, (Fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings) or, BS 5588-1, (Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings for residential buildings) is appropriate for the design of fire safety in most classes of buildings. In large or complex buildings, often with mixed use, BS 7974 0-7 (Application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of buildings) can often be the only solution.

It is a general rule that In terms of fire safety the design of all buildings should be as simple as possible. This is because complex systems can be difficult to understand and usually require a high level of management and competence. Where possible a simple and general approach should be adopted. In the majority of projects in the UK designers follow simple guidelines such as Approved Document B to demonstrate compliance with the Building Regulations.

BS 9999 is used where a more advanced approach is sought. It is closely linked to fire safety management and is a risk based design solution. Many of the fire engineering principles embedded in BS 7974 are used but it does not provide a fire engineering solution. It is a much more structured approach that allows the designer more flexibility through greater understanding of the human and physical factors that affect risk.

Fire engineering provides an alternative approach to fire safety. Fire engineering solutions can overcome the prescriptive requirements of the general and advanced approach and enable the erection of large complex structures such as stadiums or atrium buildings. Fire engineering enables a comparative study of various safety levels for alternative design solutions and identifies areas for research to enable cost effective design solutions. Fire engineering by its very nature enables the development of fire safety not only at the design stage but also during the life of the building.

Fire engineering is often the preferred approach when design solutions are required for the alteration or change of use of historic buildings. In these situations the conservation of the fabric and character of the building becomes paramount.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Disproportionate collapse – what does it mean?

Ronan Point was a 22 storey block of flats in Newham London. In 1968 it suffered a partial collapse due to a gas explosion in a kitchen on the 18th floor . The tower block was built using a technique called ‘Large Panel System Building’ or ‘Large Panel Construction’. The system consisted of bolting together floor and wall panels in a systematic way. The system relied on the bolted connection to maintain structural integrity. The effect of the gas explosion was to cause a ‘progressive collapse’ of the whole south east corner of the building. (See inset picture) To overcome the problem buildings are constructed so that the failure of a beam, column or wall does not cause a ‘disproportionate’ failure of other elements in the building.

Requirement A3 states that ‘A building shall be constructed so that in the event of an accident the building will not suffer collapse to an extent disproportionate to the cause’. The requirement does not apply to all buildings. It usually applies to large and/or tall buildings including dwellings. In order to understand the guidance it is usual to classify the buildings. Class 1 buildings are generally small buildings that do not require any special robust detailing. Class 2A buildings such as five storey dwellings or offices not exceeding four storeys attain robustness by the provision of horizontal ties. Class 2B buildings such as hospitals not exceeding three storeys attain their robustness through horizontal and vertical ties. Class 3 buildings are buildings that that are defined above Class 1, 2a or 2B and are generally large or tall buildings, grand stands or buildings containing hazardous materials. In these buildings the construction requires a systematic structural risk assessment. The risk assessment takes into account all normal and abnormal hazards ranging from failure due to accidental impact to explosion. The relevant structural codes and standards provide further guidance.
The requirements can often impact on change of use, refurbishment work where structural alterations take place or where a building is extended especially by the addition of a floor.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Part G - water efficiency calculator

There is a requirement in Regulation G2 that fittings such as taps and fixed appliances, such as washing machines installed in new dwellings will be water efficient to prevent undue consumption of water. The potential consumption of wholesome water by persons occupying a dwelling must not exceed 125 litres per day. This applies to newly erected dwellings or new dwellings brought about by a change of use such as conversion of a house into dwellings. The regulations require the person carrying out the work to notify the building control body of the calculated potential consumption. The estimated water consumption of a new dwelling should be calculated in accordance with the methodology set out in the ‘Water Efficiency Calculator for New Dwellings’. This is published by CLG Publication and is available on line at the following address. http://www.communities.gov.uk/publications/planningandbuilding/watercalculator
There is software available which can be used to assist you in the calculation. Some sites such as WRc PLC provide free on line software that can be used to carry out the calculation for you. Other sites provide software that you can pay to download. The link to WRc is provided below.

Why a Building Survey is so essential

Homebuyers are facing bills for thousands of pounds by failing to have an appropriate survey of their property according to the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.
25% of homebuyers rely solely on a valuation survey and not on an in-depth building survey as recommended by the RICS. This resulted in unplanned expenditure that amounted to an average expenditure of approximately £1800 although; the figure could be much more.
Building surveys enable prospective purchasers to make informed decisions when purchasing a dwelling and if carried out at an appropriate time can save a great deal of money in legal fees.
It is wrongly assumed by many purchasers that a mortgage valuation report is a building survey report. This could not be further from the truth. It is solely an indication of a property’s value for loan purposes only. It is prepared by the lender and not the purchaser. The significant matter is that it will not uncover any potential problems.
Research carried out by the RICS indicates that 58 per cent of respondents wrongly believed a valuation report included the building’s condition, including searching for damp and structural movement. A further 31 per cent mistakenly believed that it contained legal advice that falls within the domain of a solicitor.
The RICS recommend that you appoint your own surveyor to carry out a building survey even if you are paying for a valuation survey for the lender. A building survey is of particular use if the building is historic, in a bad state of repair or where there have been major alterations or a change of use. It is recommended that you provide a brief to your surveyor outlining your own concerns and include any proposals for future alterations or extensions.
A survey will help you to appreciate the value of the property and enable you to prepare costs for future maintenance and repair. The surveyor will alert you to significant costs and you will be able to use this information to renegotiate the final price of the property.
if you want further information on the type of surveys available or need to talk to a surveyor then contact Oculus. You can also visit the RICS website at the following address. http://www.rics.org/

Monday, 25 October 2010

Part L 2010 Software

Integrated Environmental Solutions Ltd announced on the 1st October 2010 that it is the only company to have final Part L 2010 software on the market. Meeting the 1st October deadline, IES VE-DSM provides Dynamic Simulation (DSM) Building Regulation compliance for all types of non-domestic building. Approval of the associated 2010 IES SAP and free VE-SBEM software is underway and is due early October. For more information visit their website on http://www.iesve.com/UK-Europe/

Thursday, 30 September 2010

EPC software delay

The release of the new software for calculating and producing energy performance certificates or EPCs of buildings has been delayed until the 27th March 2011. The Communities department has stated that this is because it wants to better understand the significant differences between the existing and new versions.
The updated version was due to be released in October to coincide with the new Part L which comes into force on the 1st October 2010.
This means that the old 2006 software can only be used in the intervening time. The energy modelling becomes more of a problem for engineers using different versions of the iSBEM. In these cases two sets of modelling will need to be used.
Although it is unlikely that buildings will be completed until some time after the 1st October there will be problems associated with issuing EPCs for new build projects completed before March 2011.
As a reminder EPCs are required when work to a building is complete or when a building is let or sold.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Passivhaus - Refurbisment Projects

Passivhaus are to produce a new standard for refurbishment projects. The ‘Passivhaus’ standard requires high levels of thermal insulation and airtightness. The new standard is to be called EnerPHit and there are two fundamental differences between the standards for new build and refurbishment. It is unlikely that the standard will be applied to conservation work. The standard varied from the standard for new build by relaxing the requirements for energy use for space heating and airtightness.
The energy requirement for space heating must not be greater than 25kWh/m2 per year as compared with 15kWh/m2 per year for new build. The airtightness requirement is a maximum of one air change per hour as compared with new build which requires a maximum rate of 0.6 air changes per hour.
The new standard will be launched next year and it will be interesting to see how the standard is rolled out. As always supervision and robust detailing will be the key but the initial survey will need to include a comprehensive analysis of the existing fabric.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Buildings at Risk

In 1998 the launch of English Heritage's Buildings at Risk Register was published. The register identified at least 1,428 of England's most important Grade I and II* listed buildings and structural scheduled monuments as being at risk of damage or loss if urgent steps were not taken to stabilise their condition.
There has been some progress with figures indicating that between1998 and 2007 there was a 17% reduction in the number of buildings at risk. However, since 2007 the figure appears to have remained constant. This has no doubt been due to the economic recession. The important issue is that the condition of these buildings is continuing to decline. For a long time, Oculus, who are based in the Georgian City of Bath, have been aware of two listed buildings that are at risk and located within this World Heritage Site.

Cleveland Baths, Hampton Row, Bath

Dating from 1815, Cleveland Baths are believed to be the oldest surviving public outdoor swimming pools in England. A diminutive Georgian crescent houses the changing rooms and Caretakers Cottage. The Cleveland Pool Trust carried out a feasibility study in 2006 and are currently undertaking a business plan, condition survey and scheme design with English Heritage grant aid.

King Edwards School, Broad Street, Bath

School, 1752. A scheme for use as a hotel was submitted but withdrawn in 2006. Works to repair the roof have been successfully completed. The threat of decay has therefore diminished but the building remains vacant. The owner has initiated discussions regarding reuse and a new application for hotel use has been submitted and is under consideration.

Other important buildings and monuments have not been so fortunate. If you want to let Oculus know of any buildings that you consider would benefit from a mention then please email us. If you want further information on the Buildings at Risk register then visit the English Heritage website.


Building for Life

A record 55 new housing schemes have qualified for a Building for Life standard this year, 50 per cent more than last year and the largest number in the eight years of the award, an initiative led by the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) and the Home Builders Federation.The schemes scored more than 14 out of 20 against the Building for Life criteria, the national standard for well-designed homes and neighbourhoods.Over half of all the schemes that achieved a Building for Life standard are in the South West (16) or in London (17). A self-build development in Bristol, Ashley Vale, is the first scheme of its kind to achieve a Building for Life standard.Why not visit the web site to read more.


Friday, 10 September 2010

Passivhause - Rural Regeneration in Hadlow

As the Approved Inspectors Oculus are pleased to announce the completion of the first certified Passivhaus educational building in the UK. James Anwyl designed and built the Rural Regeneration Centre for the prestigious Hadlow College in Kent. James is a founding partner at Eurobuild a company specialising in Passivhaus architecture and construction. It is well worth visiting the Eurobuild website (see below) where you can read more on Passivhaus, sustainable building. The building was part funded by SEEDA the regional development agency.


Interestingly enough the Autumn issue of the BRE magazine Constructing the future has just been published (free in the Building magazine) The magazine has a good article on Passivhaus entitled ‘past present and future,.

Those interested in the sustainable refurbishemnt of existing buildings should also look at Building magazine, 03/09/10. The article entitled 'Trial and Error' describes the methods used to convert a period Edwardian building into a 'paragon of energy efficiency'.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Part L 2010 trial software

Integrated Environmental Solution (ISE) has launched a ’public beta’ version of its 2010 Part L compliance software. The new Part L requirements which cover the conservation of fuel and power come into force in October 2010.

The software is not fully tested but is sufficiently robust to enable designers to carry out rough checks on current project against the 2010 regulations.

The IES VE-SBEM Public Beta incorporates the SBEM 4.0c engine, while iSAP integrates with the latest version of JPA Designer incorporating SAP 9.90.

The software will enable designers to run both domestic and non-domestic Part L 2010 compliance calculations, generate BRUKL documents and produce Energy Performance Certificates.

IES is completing 2010 development of its dynamic simulation modelling tool which will also be released shortly.

The Public Beta of IES VE version 6.2 can be downloaded by emailing beta@iesve.com

Timber frame and the risk of fire

The annual fire statistics monitor, published by the Communities Department show timber framed buildings suffer more damage from fire than other forms of construction in England.
The data indicates that timber frame buildings under construction suffer a higher number of fires compared to other forms of construction. One in every eight fires on half-completed buildings were being constructed from timber frame.

In 2009-10 there were 50 fires in half built timber frame buildings compared with 400 fires in other forms of incomplete construction. Interestingly the comparison between completed buildings is much different. There is only one fire in a timber framed building for every fifty nine other forms of construction. There was a total of 802 fires in timber frame buildings and 47,600 fires in other forms of construction.

When looking deeper it is revealed that a fire starting in a non completed timber frame building is likely to be more extensive by a significant margin with 46% of damage being greater than 10 m2. This is considerably more than other forms of construction. In fact more than a quarter of all fires in partially and fully completed buildings resulted in damage in excess of 200 m2.
There does not appear to be any difference in the casualty rates for all types of construction.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Balanced flues in concealed voids

In October 2008 the Health and Safety Executive issued a safety alert. The alert raised awareness of the potential dangers from certain types of flues serving gas central heating appliances. The alert is mainly concerned with the provision of an inaccessible extended flue contained within a void such as a ceiling void.
Corgi Technical Bulletin 200 (TB 200), 2007 clarifies what is needed to meet the requirements of the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations.
Guidance is also provided in Paragraph 1.47 and Diagram 14 of Approved Document J.
Both documents should be referred to but in essence the following.
The flue refers to a balance flue which enables the supply of combustion air and a flue gas exhaust. The flue can be either formed in plastic or metal. The flue type must be approved by the appliance manufacturer.
The CORGI registered gas installer is responsible the flue is installed correctly and will need to test and commission the installation.
The flue within the void should be as straight as possible, with a minimum number of joints and take priority over other services such as plumbing and ventilation ducts.
The flue should be continuous, have correctly assembled joints, adequately supported and in the case of a condensing boiler have a uniform gradient back to the boiler.
The void will need to be accessible with the provision of sufficient access panels for the purposes of inspection and repair. The access panels should not detrimentally affect the fire resistant or sound properties of the ceiling/floor structure.
Further guidance on Approved Document J will soon be available on the Oculus web site.

Thursday, 19 August 2010

New Guidance on Permitted Development

New guidance covering what extensions, improvements and alterations a householder may make to their house and the area around it without the need for an application for planning permission has been published.The site is a good source of information and provides access to relevant legislation including the Approved Documents. To visit the professional page of the Planning Portal use the following link.


Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Future building regulations

The Communities Minister Andrew Stunell needs your views on how the Building Regulations can be improved, added to or slimmed down. He also wants to know how we can improve compliance and be more effective. Evidence from your day to day work would support your suggestions. Your ideas need to be submitted by the end of August to the following email address;


Your emails together with those already received from the Cabinet Office's 'Your Freedom and this Department's Cut Red Tape' exercises, feed into further discussions with external partners and the Building Regulations Advisory Committee in the autumn. This will help the department to decide on priorities for improving the Building Regulations with a plan to consult fully in late 2011 on a set of detailed proposals for change for 2013.

Monday, 12 July 2010

Why use an Approved Inspector?

Approved Inspectors are qualified and experienced private sector building control professionals and consultancies who can help developers, designers and contractors achieve Building Regulations approval on almost any construction project.
Approved Inspectors provide a cost-effective and client-friendly alternative to local authority building control.
Traditionally, only inspectors from the local authority were authorised to undertake building control. But the Building Act 1984 opened up the market, allowing qualified individuals and firms in the private sector to fulfil this role in England and Wales.
Approved Inspectors are professional and specialist advisers. They guide clients through the maze of Building Regulations.
When you use an Approved Inspector, he or she will take on responsibility for plan checking and inspection of your building work.
An Approved Inspector will advise you on how the Building Regulations apply to your work, check your plans,Inspect the work in progress and issue a final certificate.
The approval process for certifying Approved Inspectors is rigorous, ensuring the highest standards are maintained.Approved Inspectors are bound by the code of conduct of their own professional body (such as RICS, ABE or CIOB) and that of their regulatory body, the Construction Industry Council (CIC).
ACAI members are further bound by the ACAI Code of Conduct which includes a complaints procedure, providing further safeguards for the client and the assurance of the best service from its members.

Approved inspectors are regulated by the Construction Industry Council or CIC. The has been designated by government as a body for approving inspectors. Individual and Corporate Approved Inspectors registered with CIC are qualified to undertake building control work in accordance with section 49 of the Building Act 1984 and regulation 4 of the Building (Approved Inspectors etc.) Regulations 1985, and the Building (Approved Inspectors etc.) Regulations 2000.

Friday, 9 July 2010

CPD Events

As part of our commitment to professional development we are always looking at ways to facilitate learning in the workplace. The Oculus Academy delivers lectures, seminars, workshops and surgeries. Sessions are usually held at lunchtime and can be tailored to suit your requirements.
We also invite other consulatnts, manufacturers and other bodies to deliver lunch time sessions at our offices. The Oculus Newsletter will keep you posted on these events.All those that attend any of our CPD sessions will receive an Oculus Academy certificate.

The Approved Documents

Accessing the Approved Documents on line is easy just go to the Planning Portal where you can download the documents and obtain further advice on Building Regulation matters. Just click on the link provided below.


Oculus Newsletter

The Oculus Newsletter will be issued at the end of the summer. The Newsletter contains advice and guidance on the building regulations, conservation of energy, conservation of historic buildings, Access, fire safety and other topical subjects concerning the building industry. We also produce information on the activities of Oculus so that you are up to date on the services we can provide.

If you would like us to include any specific topics or If you would like to contribute to the Newsletter then please let us know by contacting us through our web site.

If you do not receive our Newsletter then please complete the registartion which can be foound on the home page of our web site.

Monday, 5 July 2010

Approved Document update

Try and visit our web site to get up to date advice on the revised editions to Part F, Part G , Part J and Part L. The requirements of Part G came into force on the 6th April 2010. The other requirements will come into force on the 1st October 2010.

Construction death rate falls

The number of people who died in construction related incidents fell by 20% last year. This is according to official figures released by the HSE.
Forty-one people died in the year ending the 31st March 2010. This is compared to 52 in the same period last year.