Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Part L 2010 trial software

Integrated Environmental Solution (ISE) has launched a ’public beta’ version of its 2010 Part L compliance software. The new Part L requirements which cover the conservation of fuel and power come into force in October 2010.

The software is not fully tested but is sufficiently robust to enable designers to carry out rough checks on current project against the 2010 regulations.

The IES VE-SBEM Public Beta incorporates the SBEM 4.0c engine, while iSAP integrates with the latest version of JPA Designer incorporating SAP 9.90.

The software will enable designers to run both domestic and non-domestic Part L 2010 compliance calculations, generate BRUKL documents and produce Energy Performance Certificates.

IES is completing 2010 development of its dynamic simulation modelling tool which will also be released shortly.

The Public Beta of IES VE version 6.2 can be downloaded by emailing

Timber frame and the risk of fire

The annual fire statistics monitor, published by the Communities Department show timber framed buildings suffer more damage from fire than other forms of construction in England.
The data indicates that timber frame buildings under construction suffer a higher number of fires compared to other forms of construction. One in every eight fires on half-completed buildings were being constructed from timber frame.

In 2009-10 there were 50 fires in half built timber frame buildings compared with 400 fires in other forms of incomplete construction. Interestingly the comparison between completed buildings is much different. There is only one fire in a timber framed building for every fifty nine other forms of construction. There was a total of 802 fires in timber frame buildings and 47,600 fires in other forms of construction.

When looking deeper it is revealed that a fire starting in a non completed timber frame building is likely to be more extensive by a significant margin with 46% of damage being greater than 10 m2. This is considerably more than other forms of construction. In fact more than a quarter of all fires in partially and fully completed buildings resulted in damage in excess of 200 m2.
There does not appear to be any difference in the casualty rates for all types of construction.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Balanced flues in concealed voids

In October 2008 the Health and Safety Executive issued a safety alert. The alert raised awareness of the potential dangers from certain types of flues serving gas central heating appliances. The alert is mainly concerned with the provision of an inaccessible extended flue contained within a void such as a ceiling void.
Corgi Technical Bulletin 200 (TB 200), 2007 clarifies what is needed to meet the requirements of the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations.
Guidance is also provided in Paragraph 1.47 and Diagram 14 of Approved Document J.
Both documents should be referred to but in essence the following.
The flue refers to a balance flue which enables the supply of combustion air and a flue gas exhaust. The flue can be either formed in plastic or metal. The flue type must be approved by the appliance manufacturer.
The CORGI registered gas installer is responsible the flue is installed correctly and will need to test and commission the installation.
The flue within the void should be as straight as possible, with a minimum number of joints and take priority over other services such as plumbing and ventilation ducts.
The flue should be continuous, have correctly assembled joints, adequately supported and in the case of a condensing boiler have a uniform gradient back to the boiler.
The void will need to be accessible with the provision of sufficient access panels for the purposes of inspection and repair. The access panels should not detrimentally affect the fire resistant or sound properties of the ceiling/floor structure.
Further guidance on Approved Document J will soon be available on the Oculus web site.

Thursday, 19 August 2010

New Guidance on Permitted Development

New guidance covering what extensions, improvements and alterations a householder may make to their house and the area around it without the need for an application for planning permission has been published.The site is a good source of information and provides access to relevant legislation including the Approved Documents. To visit the professional page of the Planning Portal use the following link.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Future building regulations

The Communities Minister Andrew Stunell needs your views on how the Building Regulations can be improved, added to or slimmed down. He also wants to know how we can improve compliance and be more effective. Evidence from your day to day work would support your suggestions. Your ideas need to be submitted by the end of August to the following email address;

Your emails together with those already received from the Cabinet Office's 'Your Freedom and this Department's Cut Red Tape' exercises, feed into further discussions with external partners and the Building Regulations Advisory Committee in the autumn. This will help the department to decide on priorities for improving the Building Regulations with a plan to consult fully in late 2011 on a set of detailed proposals for change for 2013.