Thursday, 14 April 2011

CO2 comparison savings

When making energy efficiency decisions at the early stages of the design it is often difficult to realise the balance between installation and running costs. The following figures are rough comparisons of savings from base CO2 calculation emissions versus project costs when considering energy efficiency in new build non-domestic buildings. The figures are taken from British Constructional Steel Association Target Zero project, based on a retail building and are approximate.

High efficiency lighting:                 possible CO2 savings = 22%                 
                                                           project cost = 0.27%

Motion sensing controls:              possible CO2 savings = 4%                   
                                                           project cost = 0.08%

Efficient ventilation:                         possible CO2 savings = 2.37%              
                                                            project cost = 0.06%

Reverse cycle air source              
heat pumps:                                     possible CO2 savings = 5%                   
                                                            project cost = 0.25%

Photovoltaics:                                   possible CO2 savings = 14.41%            
                                                            project cost = 10.44%

Wind turbine (330kw):                     possible CO2 savings = 27%                 
                                                             project cost = 4.24%

Improved Chiller efficiency:            possible CO2 savings = 4.56%               
                                                             project cost = 0.3%

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